Day in and day out You pretend to play the part Day in and day out But there's no more room in my heart Hatred My only release Malice It changed my beliefs Hatred I've severed the ties Malice Keep living with your lies I won't let you in Cave in Greed tainted your soul Rotten to the core Each lie like a shiv Cutting this off Shed like the skin I'll never look back again Blood is the only binding factor Day in and day out You pretend to play the part Day in and day out But there's no more room in my heart Hatred My only release Malice It changed my beliefs Hatred I've severed the ties Malice Keep living with your lies I won't let you in Cave in The consequences of your actions Eternal Bathed in sin Your flesh and blood turning on you Compassion is a slow and painful Decay No longer my burden to bear My burden to bear (my burden to bear)