Now i rise above my own humanity And in my solitude i see clear The true nature of our species Sickening things you ought to fear In impudent haughtiness We call ourselves god's creation If anything, we're the offspring of the devil Even calling ourselves animals would be self-complacent Dragging everything down to our poor level Speaking without sound - sound without substance - Substance without a value - a value of no importance You! do you feel you have a reason To feel good about yourself Transparently recycling ideas That couldn't possibly emanate from your inferiour brain Thinking of yourself as the center of the universe Does it even come to mind i could feel the same Megalomanic masturbation is your crime Megalomanic masturbation - an act so vile You'll find out the hard way pride goes before a fall Fake social behaviour, such a nauseating sight I'm waiting vainly for you to be sized up by all Considered honest 'till they find out about your lies