Whoe'er chooses to swim into this chemical cesspool Beware not to ripple the surface when serene Overweening self-esteem pulled down by treacherous streams Once they take you out of sight, probably you're never to be seen again Festum stultorum Feast of fools Diddle me, diddle dumb Flinging mud must be great fun Diddle me, diddle dumb Touch the sore so easily done Spout the tirade Reprobate Castigate Pasquinade Ostensible passiveness to words apropos of nothing Vitiates the denouncement (but) intensifies sagacity Forfeiting credibility for an ego boosting fix Condemnation points out self-confidence, that clearly marks the fool Fool Festum stultorum Feast of fools Diddle me, diddle dumb You will see, your day will come Diddle me, diddle dumb A fool to fool the foolish one Spout the tirade Reprobate Castigate Pasquinade