Afternoon to afternoon Dressed in their smart suits Troubadors and spivs and a Won't complain a down and out man Who's reckoning the world is Full to the brim of Jokers and smokers and Profit sniffing cokers And an elegant child wishes one day he can ride with him Afternoon to afternoon Benchmark to benchmark Phone called at dawn to dogs are barking in the alley again One eye open keeps one on the sitting room floor A man down on his luck goes shoots em up And the kids in the alley are screaming for a little bit more And the kids in the alley are screaming for a little bit more And I say hold on, hold on My love is upturned and I'm still standing strong The policeman has caught me Right on the back of my head It wasn't my fault he was playing me dead So catch the rumour that some say is true I once loved a woman but it sure wasnt you And I say hold on, hold on My sweat has been dribbling for I have done wrong My arms are cut up while I live by your Hollywood hands I would ask questions but I would not understand I've got a mind to blame it on the rest But an old man once told me to take it as a test Fight I'm strong Afternoon to afternoon Won't you come along with me The band's there to meet us And their playing your favourite song As the drums kick in you're merry and dancing so bright So later on I decide to tag along And the band gives his time to play into the day And I said the band gives up his time to play into the day Afternoon to afternoon, dim lights are fading Records are playing those kids don't need saving The schools are out and streets are packed to the brim Of old school boys and country fair noise Rain over the nest while hatching a dirty plan is slim And I say hold on, hold on My love is my turn and I'm still standing strong The policeman has caught me Right on the back of my head It wasn't my fault he was playing me dead So catch the rumour of what some say is true I once loved a woman but it sure wasnt you And I say hold on now, hold on My sweat has been dribbling for I have done wrong My arms are cut up but I live by your Hollywood hand I would ask questions but I would not understand I've got a mind to blame it on the rest But an old man once told me to take it as a test A special *something* boy when you're fighting the best When two sharper wounds sting right across your chest Fight I'm strong Fight I'm strong Fight I'm strong