How did roaches get started 
Started by dirty people and 
They was nasty, sleazy, sloppy 
They house they never clean it 

Roaches have big families 
Your house they think they own 
I tried to kill one on the couch 
Using my telephone 

Roaches think they cute 
Girl i'm not impressed 
It ticks me off when I find 'em 
Wearin' my momma's dress 

Look at all these roaches 
Around me everyday 
Need somethin' strong 
To make 'em go away 
Look at all these roaches 
I can't take it no more 
Get up at night, turn on the light 
And see the floor show 

Did you hear the one about tina 
Who's sloppy as a moose 
She got some raid, then she sprayed 
They drank it like orange juice 

Did you hear the one about michael 
They say his roaches are gay 
I tried to fumigate to make 'em straight 
But they just stayed that way 

Lots of pesticides 
Big money I done spent 
None of them be workin' 
So I charge my roaches rent 

Look at all these roaches 
Around me everyday 
Need somethin' strong 
To make 'em go away 
Look at all these roaches 
I can't take it no more 
Get up at night, turn on the light 
And see the floor show 

Can't go no place 
The drain board they would linger 
They see my face, they laugh 
They flip me off with the middle finger 

They run so fast 
They always get away 
I bet you there'll be roaches 
Runnin' around on judgement day 

I think i'll write the mayor 
Have him pass a law 
That would help me get these nasty roaches 
Off my wall 

Look at all these roaches 
Around me everyday 
Need somethin' strong 
To make 'em go away 
Look at all these roaches 
I can't take it no more 
Get up at night, turn on the light 
And see the floor show