When you see a guy Reach for stars in the sky You can beat that he's doin' it For some doll. When you spot a John Waitin' out in the rain Chances are he's insane As only a John can be for a Jane. When you meet the gent Who pays all kinds of rent For a flat that would just flatten The Taj Mahal … Call it sad … call it funny But it's better than even money That the guy's only doin' it For some doll. When you see a dame Change the shape of her frame You can lay odds she's takin' if off For some guy. When you find a doll With her diamond in hock Bet your life that the rock Is goin' to restock some gentlemen jock. When … you see a mouse Hurry, scurry out of the house And she runs twenty blocks For cigars and rye … Call if dumb … say it's clever But you can give odds forever That the doll's only doin' it … The guy's havin' her do it … Everybody's doin' it … For … some guy …