Bobby Cadillac

Carbolic Acid Blues

Bobby Cadillac

My right hand is itchin', my left eye begin to burn
My right hand is ithcin', my left eye begin to burn
I know my man don't want me, if by the way he's done

I told her I loved her man, grave will be her restin' place
I told her I loved her man, grave will be her restin' place
She looked at me with burnin' eyes, threw carbolic acid in my face

Carbolic acid has poisoned me, Doc Precious Wynn will tell you so
Carbolic acid has poisoned me, Doc Precious Wynn will tell you so
I got burned about the man I love, now I got to let him go

Layin' in my bed, my face burned to the bone
Layin' in my bed, my face burned to the bone
If carbolic acid don't kill me, penitentiary gonna be my home