Smoke another cigarette, have another drink or two Sit by the telephone 'til morning She never tells me where she's goin' But I think it's mighty plain Maybe tomorrow She'll be back home again She wasn't like this when I met her Whatever made her change? Now she never even says I love you She just comes a-rollin' in Never wanting to explain Maybe tomorrow she'll be back home again Wish that I could meet him Just to tell him who I am I would like to find out what he has That I don't have She never says a thing about him but it's plain as day She's going somewhere every evening Can't take it too much longer I think I'm goin' insane Maybe tomorrow she'll be back home again Wish that I could meet him Just to tell him who I am I would like to find out what he has That I don't have She never says a thing about him but it's plain as day She's going somewhere every evening Can't take it too much longer I think I'm goin' insane Maybe tomorrow she'll be back home