Bob Seger

By The River

Bob Seger

I was walkin' by the river
I held my hand out to feel the rain

Just a light rain
Almost a sun shower
Makin'all things shine again

And I felt like I belonged
I felt so strong
As I walked on

There was rhythm
And there was order
There was a balance
There was a flow

There was patience
There was a power
I could not know

And I felt it all made sense
The innocence
The permanence

I took my young son to the river
I held his hand out to feel the rain

Eu estava andando pelo rio
Eu segurei minha mão para sentir a chuva

Apenas uma luz chuva
Quase um banho de sol
Fazendo tudo brilhar novamente

E eu senti que pertencia
Eu me senti tão forte
Enquanto eu caminhava

Houve ritmo
E havia uma ordem
Houve um equilíbrio
Houve um fluxo

Houve paciência
Havia um poder
Eu não podia saber

E eu senti tudo fazia sentido
A inocência
A permanência

Eu levei meu filho para o rio
Eu segurei sua mão para sentir a chuva