The Chunky Tiger and The Dandy Lion Were sitting around a Fire Fly drinking wine When along came a Turtleneck Who had a bottle of Triplesec The Chunky Tiger said,"Please join along As we sing the Denial Song." and they sang Today is yesterday's tommorrow So you see tommorrow's already here So don't be afraid of life it'll hurt you Because the opposite of love is fear Now the Work Horse and the Chicken Wire Heard them singing round the fly fire They said,"Hey we've got a bottle of Grenadine Would it be cool ya'll if we made your scene/" The Chunky Tiger said,"Please join along As we sing our favorite song." and they sang Today is yesterday's tommorrow So you see tommorrow's already here So don't be afraid of life it'll hurt you Because the opposite of love is fear Later still the Houndstooth and the Busy Bee Heard the commotion so they thought they'd have a looksee They brought a bottle of bourbon and a case of champaigne They said,"Would you all mind terribly if we remain?" The Chunky Tiger said,"Of course not, please join along We'll sind together all night long." and they sang Today is yesterday's tommorrow So you see tommorrow's already here So don't be afraid of life it'll hurt you Because the opposite of love is fear