Bob Schneider

Sometimes You Gotta Kick Some Ass

Bob Schneider

John Jay Mandelsheim went down to the bar they call the Railroad Line
He got fucked up on corn whiskey and Budweiser and was feeling just fine
But when he got home that night he found his wife and kids lying dead in his living room
Dead as the dead sun's ashes and the fire in his heart that lay in ruins

Well now it seems that the Muller boys had done it but you know that there daddy owned the town
And when they got off on a technicality you shoulda heard that sound
Of John's shotgun blasting those Muller boys doing what he had to do
Singing something bout and eye for and eye and a tooth for a tooth

Cause my daddy said sometimes you gotta learn how to see
And sometimes you gotta show some class
My daddy said sometimes you might haveta turn the other cheek
But my daddy said sometimes you gotta kick some ass

Well now judge Jeff Pullensteimer son of a bitch that he was said you're gonna get the chair
He said what goddamn I just don't fucking believe it and I sure as shit don't care
You know they took away my family my love and everything that I was living for
He said if I had to do it all over again you know that I would cause man it's all about war