Bob Schneider

She's With Me All the Time

Bob Schneider

Met a girl bout a week ago
Pretty as an ice cream cone
She smiled at me and then she walked away
I haven't seen her since that day

But she's with me all the time (she's with me all the time)
But she's with me all the time (she's with me all the time)
But she's with me all the time (she's with me all the time)
I feel like I'm losing my mind

I was afraid I was a fraidy cat
I did not find out where I might see her at
And now she's gone except in my mind
Where she's with me all the time

Now if I saw her know just what I'd do
I'd be all debonair I'd be all cool
I'd ask her out and she'd say why not
You know but then maybe in flames down I'd be shot

But in my mind I could try again
Figure out what to say and how and when
And then she'd see how nice I'd be
And then she'd fall all in love with me

Then in my mind she'd be the only girl
Who could give me happiness I seek in this world
All in my mind I play this fantasy
Happy together just her and me

We could get married have a real nice home
But it could get boring and my thoughts might roam
Maybe then she'd be my ball and chain
And I could never ever have fun again

But by then it would be too late
I'd have to just go ahead and except my fate
But I'd ask myself why'd I get myself into all this aggravation
And then I'd laugh cause it was all my imagination