No I don't like idlers
Who just lay around
With their heads in the clouds
And their feet on the ground
Who don't do a damn thing
All through the day
I don't think it's right and you might here me say
People who are lazy
They make me so crazy
They goof off and they giggle
They snooze and they sniggle
And they don't do a goddamn thing

I'm such a hard worker
I'm up with the sun
My fingers are bones
Cause the work's never done
I don't waste a second
Chatting away
At the water cooler
Ain't no way
People who are lazy
They make me so crazy
They slouch and they're sloppy
They're gooey and they're gloppy
And they don't do a goddamn thing

Now I might be unhappy
And I might be a grouch
But you just won't see me
Asleep on the couch
Having an unproductive
Type day
No you won't see that
And yeah it's ok
Cause people who are lazy
They make me so crazy
They day dream and they doze off
They noodle their nose off
And they don't do a goddamn thing

They jest and they joke 'round
They prattle and they poke round