The slight blueberry scent Slightly stained the steely thread Of thought so thoroughly though That though he knew not what he said He said it though and thanked his head For thinking such delirious visions Decidedly dueling with indecision Deadening deliverance with every decree That he the g he be see me & thee mon ami be free with glee And now the rainbows in every breath Takes and loves each stranger to death And he's betting on a better day Better than every one he's thrown away He's got jangly glass all in his brain And baby that's a good thing Cause it makes him sing ding dang a lang dong ding The manic misery mist Made maliable by misdirection Became bewilderingly blurred by blessed new Beginnings and doomed deadbolt dilemmas Dialed down through drowning duality Signed separate sleepy sunrise suggestions Surprising saliable syruptitious solutions He's got jangly glass all in his brain And baby that's a good thing Cause it makes him sing ding dang a lang dong ding Attesting to the terribly tantalizing turmoil The rothko chorus clambers for attention As starships implode into the fragments Known as murder rays or things I haven't mentioned And still seizing every second sent sizzling silently forever Forward into tomorrow today becomes the very thing Its always been & everything its been right from the start He's got jangly glass all in his brain And baby that's a good thing Cause it makes him sing ding dang a lang dong ding And the scented threads stained slightly steely Blueberry tomorrows thanked and said he Took his head dueling deliverance and deciding on delirium Filled with fear he decreed he'd be aquarian In fact sharing in his feelings he hailed a heart of helium And headed straight to hell