The air is as thin as your mother Who's been dead for twenty two years And the furniture's ratty and reeking of filth And your clothing is covered in tears And this is your fortress of solitude Constructed of sinew and bone Where once there stood love's sweet infection Now sits but a heart made of stone You keep all your fears in a clenchtank That's leaking and spotting the floor And it's been so long since you gave a damn That you really just don't care anymore Here once love ruled like an emperor In all of its glorious might But love once betrayed will crumble to ruin A castle of sweetness and light Cobwebbed and dusty and broken Your dreams they lay out of sight And the windows are smashed and boarded over And your sun is surrounded by night And under the bed there's a painting A picture of who you once were And it bears no resemblance to who you are now But you keep it there just to be sure