Jimi went to the pawn shop And bought himself a old guitar He took it home and told his parents I'm going to be a big star They said," well son that's mighty nice, And we sure do wish the best for you, But if you if you want to hear some good advice This is what we think you should do... Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Do yourselves a favor Well he formed a band the next week They called themselves kill the pig And the boys got all excited When they played their very first gig Every song they played that night Was in the key of c (ya later) At the end of the night the club owner came over and said, "do yourselves a favor... Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Do yourselves a favor They made a cheap recording Of all their "biggest hits" They played it for their girlfriends Who said,"this is the shit!" They sent it to the big boys In hopes of getting signed They sent it back unopened and said, "we'll call you some other time, but in the meantime... Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Do yourselves a favor They all got hair extensions And bought black leather pants And they looked so much like rockstars They actually got a chance Their knuckleheaded producer Said,"boys we need a hit!" So they wrote a little song That went a little something like this... Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Do yourselves a favor Now jimi's in jamaica Sailing in hi brand new yacht And this feller sails up next to him And says,"wew that musta cost a lot. What do you do young man, to make that kind of bread?" Jimi said,"i just sit around and play guitar." And the other man then said,"hey... Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Don't quit your day job Do yourselves a favor