I am corn flakes and sodium penethol And little yellow snakes And billion year old sun The dust under your nails I am the kid from unicef The old widow down the block The dead rotting meat underneath the stone The dead rotting meat underneath the stone The air that you breathe The light on your skin The time you forgot everything That will happen tomorrow I am Venus and medusa embracing their lovers The forgotten fart underneath the covers The cycle of the seasons The arc of a stone The manic depressive abandoned and alone The air that you breathe The light on your skin The time you forgot everything That will happen tomorrow I'm the marijuana seed that couldn't be found The scream in your head when you can't make a sound The trees in the woods that dance through the air Whenever they feel they're sure you're not there The air that you breathe The light on your skin The time you forgot everything That will happen tomorrow I'm the Mongoloid inside the incestuous womb The invisible hand on your back in the tomb I'm the candle that burns at both ends when you're gone The never-ending line at the convenience store A helpful hint a timesaving tip A warm wet tongue caressing your lips