I wish I drank tequila I wish I stayed up late But lately when the sandman comes You know I just can't wait No lately I can't wait And we packed up all your boxes It's all been hauled away I never stare at walls so bare 'Cause something always stays Yeah something of you stays And I wanna shout from my guitar Come out come out wherever you are The joke is over open up your eyes A heart like yours it never dies And I found your keys behind your chair I still can see you sitting there This isn't funny don't fool around You let me go... you let me down (CHORUS) And I guess I'm still pretty angry And I don't want to be I don't know which was the bigger waste of time Missing you or wishing instead it was me I wish I walked on water Pulling rabbits from my sleeve Guessing cards and saving everyone I wish I still believed Oh I wish that I believed That I could also channel voices That I've endured the burning blade That I could make some of your choices I wish I weren't afraid Of those choices that you made Like I could give you what you need So ally ally oxen free The game is up and I give in So show yourself so that you can win Come claim your prize and I don't care I still can see you standing there How you could leave, how you could lie You cut me off in mid reply (CHORUS) The will to win the urge to race I still can see it on your face Thought I'd keep up but only crashed I wasn't built to move that fast Thought I could match you stride for stride But I was on the other side And holding on to the safety rail With knuckles white complexion pale A could of dust and you were gone Thought I would catch you later on I limped behind your race was won But were you racing or on the run? How you enjoyed, you loved to drive And I'm destroyed... 'cause I'm alive 'Cause I'm alive (CHORUS X2)