I remember the lakeside at 11 o' clock When we sat on the end of that old, wooden dock And you stared, into the starry sky. I remember the prairie where we had our first kiss And you said you were scared; you weren't ready for this But you smiled, and turned your head toward me. It's just… I don't understand why this can't be right. I don't understand why we'd say "goodnight" I used to believe in the words of today. Now, I'm just asking you to Stay here, my sweet angel Just be near, What remains will be begging for the love that we will share. This, I swear. I remember the park where we walked through the trees Just enjoying the sunshine and sweet-summer breeze And you dreamt, 'cause time would surely tell. I remember the day when you left, Reminisce: You said, "Let's make this easy." And you gave me a kiss. "I'll see you. I'll see you in my dreams." It's just… I don't understand why this can't be right. I don't understand why we'd say "goodnight" I used to believe in the words of today. Now, I'm just asking you to Stay here, my sweet angel Just be near, What remains will be begging for the love that we will share. This, I swear. Sometimes I adore you.