Blue Sky Canopy

I've Fallen For You

Blue Sky Canopy

I've been waiting for this time.
You're my answer. You're my sign.
This is so unreal. Could I really feel
like this for a girl I hardly know?
One wish, and I'd never let you go.

You're so beautiful.
You're so beautiful.

Oh...I know what I want, and it's you.

I've fallen...
I've fallen for you.
I've fallen...
I've fallen for you.

Oh...yes I have. I know I have.

Take your life and I know that you'll be back
to let go of everything you've ever wanted
to be with me.

I'm addicted; I need more.
I've never felt like this before.
Captured by your smile,
I'll stay for a while
in a gaze upon your face
that perfection couldn't trace.

You're so beautiful.
You're so beautiful.

Oh...I know what I want, and it's you.

I've fallen...
I've fallen for you.
I've fallen...
I've fallen for you.

Oh...yes I have. I know I have.