Staring at the window, from afar, don't want to get close, Hiding in the corner of my mind. Picking up the pieces of expectance, never meaning Lying with intent, do you consign? Chosen for the first time, or the last, is this the one line, Begging to be spoken by decree. Watching from the ceiling, as my thoughts become revealing, Stars at night for anyone to see. I didn't say, we'd make it in a day, No fear, no stay, no fate, no matter, Are we the reason? I'd never play our game from Z to A, No fear, no stay, no faith to shatter, Are we the reason ( coming through ) I hear the reason, tell it true. Are we the reason ( coming through ), I need a reason ( so do you ), Are we the reason? Frightened and bewildered, on the path of least resistance, Wandering wide, adrift on open sea. My hunger, like a craving, I'm a child still misbehaving, My light, my beacon, you can rescue me. I didn't say, we'd make it in a day, No fear, no stay, no fate, no matter, Are we the reason? I'd never play our game from Z to A, No fear, no stay, no faith to shatter, Are we the reason ( coming through ) I hear the reason, tell it true. Are we the reason ( coming through ), I need a reason ( so do you ), Are we the reason?