Blue Holocaust

Bodies Bear Traces of Carnal Violence

Blue Holocaust

Psychosexual maniac on the prowl,
Fierce black gloved assassin
Tonite fresh young girls will die
At the hands of this brutal slasher

Enter his bizarre world,
Following a tramp into a dark swamp
Strangulating, drowning her in the mud
Fondling her nude dead body

Tracking down his next victims
Four chicks in an isolated house
Banging at their door at nightfall
The slaughtering can begin...

Wake up, all your friends are dead
Jabbed, strangled and mutilated
Carnal violence, a shuddering sight
Limbs and bones splintered before your eyes

Female corpses dismembered like dolls
Molested then chopped and eviscerated
Throats slit, eye balls poked and gouged
Don't make a sound or you might be next
Nightmarish, obsessive mysoginy
Bellies gutted, bowels pulled out
Torsos butchered, brutally hacked up
Body parts tossed in a hole in the ground...