Blue Highway

Find Me Out On a Mountain Top

Blue Highway

Tom: G

Intro - Em G D Bm D Em G D A D Bm Em 
Chorus: Em      G        D       Bm 
        Find me out on a mountaintop 
                  D                             Em 
        where the cool breezes blow through the pines 
                G        D       A         
        Find me out on a mountaintop 
            D            Bm        Em 
        I'm leavin' this old world behind 
Verse:  G                      D 
        Fifteen miles from the nearest town 
               C          G       D 
        that's where I'll take my rest 
        I'm leavin' behind my troubled mind 
                C      G         D    
        and the girl I loved the best 
Break: (Chorus, Verse, Chorus)   
Verse: A country boy in a city world 
       will never find a home 
       Like a mourning dove on a high rooftop 
       I'm better left all alone 
Chorus: Find me out on a mountaintop 
        Find me out on a mountaintop 
Ending: D Bm Em