For twenty years he made his living, In a east kentucky mine. When friends would ask how things were going, He could say he was doing fine. When the mine closed down and he had to leave, That big house up on the ridge. Now he sleeps in a cardboard box Underneath the 6th street bridge. And that could be you, that could be you. But for the grace of god, that could be you. She hasn't seen the man who swore he loved her For almost 13 years. After six long months of crying, She ran out of tears. Now all her pride has been forsaken, For dreams that wont come true. She knows minimum wage wont feed her kids, So she does what she has to do. That could be you, that could be you But for the grace of god, that could be you. (chorus) Remember all the homeless families, All the battered wives. All the children who go to sleep hungry, Night after night. 'cause that could be you, that could be you But for the grace of god, that could be you. But for the grace of god, that could be you.