Was born and grew up on back of the woodlands With discipline and rough hands Got tough as hell, unbroken pride Hard work, leaded the cow herd Old jeans, old boots, a shotgun Solved every shit in a short time Learned well to fish, as well to shoot Walking in no else’s shoes “Been there, done that” been told all life Drink beer and get very loud Make trouble for fun in downtown On Skynyrd, you are next in line And here is the everlasting appointment I’m here today, tomorrow I am gone This is the Southern Throwdown Got me my truck packed up on Friday night You can kiss my ass goodbye ‘Cause I ain’t never comin’ back, girl Ball-cap, skoal ring, dirty boots Double-barrel shotgun and tattoos A cowboy hat, and now it’s on! Dad was a stubborn old man Mom never left her stand We do our thing and we move on Well, I am what I am And I don’t give a damn I don’t take shit from anyone And here is the everlasting appointment I’m here today, tomorrow I am gone (so gone) This is the Southern Throwdown Oh motherfucker, yeah This is the Southern Throwdown