This morning, just out of a nightmare The devil had taken possession of me I wake up what a scary dream Outside my body, fighting to keep some control I see my eyes, red, full of hatred Fighting against that body I took two small blades and pierced his eyes This morning the sun is shining Birds are flying But I have a strange sensation What you're feeling is me I'm not going to let you now Too late you're mine already Step by step, I will reduce you To a state of complete slavery I'll resist till the end And with my last forces I'll turn into a bomb and Will sacrifice myself with this last curse Then, he will have my body But he'll have a soul And tonight the devil might cry Tonight the devil shall cry So he died The same night, the devil cried of pain He cried all the suffering he had inflicted in the past Because he now had a soul Gradually the soul overtook him And the devil only lived in memories