
Crusades Of Darkness


Winds of darkness 
Cloaked the land 
The day they came 
From Brimstone hell 
As black storms rose 
From dead sea's 
The dawn brought forth 
Soldiers of the bestial horde 

A thunderous roar 
Conquered the night sky 
Descending rains 
Fell upon 

Bleeding shores:. 

Conquering the land!!! 

Hear the pounding hooves 
Of the demon steeds 
Black shining armor 
Red glaring eyes 
There blades are drawn 
With shields in hand 
Breaking bones and shattering skulls 
Churches and Homes 
Engulfed in flames 
A pyre burns 
Corpses of the slain 

Churches and Homes 
Engulfed in flames 
A pyre burns 
Corpses of the slain 
Woman raped in their own blood 
Berzerker's unleashed upon the land!!!!!!!!! 

Victory reigns 
As warriors prevail 
Conquered land 
Has become their own 
On this day 
The soil drank much blood