A dark castle upon haunted hills, the place where the countess lived. A bloodred moon brooding over a wood infested by wolves. I had travelled for many years 'til I find this sinful place, I had to find a shelter to escape the bloodthirsty wolves. The countess appeared to me, she was draped in a dark shroud. With open arms she welcomed me, she coveted my precious blood. During the dinner I was served, still I heard the frightening howling of the wolves haunting the frostbitten forest. "Come to me my dear, I can see thou hast been hurt. There's a little wound on thy neck, let me see it closer!" I was mesmerized by the countess eyes and I couldn't do anything when my blood poored on her lips. She drank the precious vital fluid, I felt my forces leaving me, I lost myself in this deadly kiss enchanted by her cold caress. "Princess of the night, now I belong to thee! You made me thy slave by bitting my neck..." Carpathian memorias...