Together we shall all be, In harmony a diamond girl in my eye, Im happily, rolling on that side. In dissoray, hopelessly I pray, of Vanity and that Missery, I lay. I woke up alone, Deep in the mode, of breaking the mold the back of my throat the tears that I choke of breaking the mold. Of breaking the mold. A thing that you still say, Captivity, a prisoner of your heart, I silently, I waited on that train, and two cold eyes, and wrestling with your ghost, of Vanity and that Missery, I lay. I woke up alone, Deep in the mode, of breaking the mold the back of my throat the tears that I choke breaking the mold. Yeah all the way, All way, You follow me (follow me) You follow me (follow me) You follow me All way, All way. I woke up alone, Deep in the Mode, of breaking the mold the back of my throat the tears that I choke of breaking the mold. I woke up alone, Deep in the Mode, the back of my throat, of breaking the mold, of breaking the mold.