
White Room


Once a week when the gate is open 
You walk through the shadows of garden 
Watch the torn swans float in ponds 
Of their own jetblack blood 
You imagine of diving in there 
Where the surface fastly disappears 
Scarlet light filters through the waters 
And unseen hands pull down your feet 

(But) you will wake into your own screams 
That surrounding walls echo in your ears 
You'll know that the moon is growing 
You cannot move, they have leashed you here 

So no-one know about your tortured whispers 
No-one knows about those choking cries 
That echo from behind 
The barred windows at nights 

White walls surround your kingdom where white worms 
Feast on your flesh, crawling on your chest 
And shoulders, where darkness never seems to end 
you're on your quest 

When small window lights your land 
You will open your tired eyes 
Sleepless you've spent your night 
Again, you swallow your daily lies 

And the gate is open now 
Still float the gutted swans 
Again you're drowning deep 
But you will never die