Ace Of Dominion He was a creative person. So fragile inside He was the King of himself. Invincible warrior Made strong to defend the weak. After all legitimate Everyone knew except him. He had those X-ray eyes He really thought that love was this nasty violent game He thought he was the fortunate one with all the scars and the ball and chain Reception of despise. Didn´t know what else it could have been Intact life -He never got to live that way. It went to extremes Then the misery filled his large vacuum It felt so good in a dream But this one is very real And nothing wakes you up Self-esteem began to vacillate by the evil words Cried like a suicide wish. Needed a shelter from her Once again he swallowed the words. Forever love in the name of chains Everyone knew except him. He had those X-ray eyes He really thought... Chorus He was a creative person. Now dead inside Once known as the King of this world. Dictator ruler But somehow he was dethroned by a revolution He has these X-ray eyes and now he´s watching through!!! Chorus