
Michael Moorcock


Corum. The last of his race 
Had to kick ass over sixteen planes 
Elric. Kept alive by his sword 
Stormbringer stole souls for the Chaos Lords. 
Eternal Champion. Multiverse of the mind 
Everything he wrote somehow intertwined 
Michael Moorcock born in 1939! 
The Sundred Worlds! The Wrecks of Time! 
Moor...cock..cock...cock! Moor...cock..cock...cock! 

Moorcock smoked pot with Lemmy 
You think you wrote a lot of books, he wrote twice as many 
Von Beck was Mike's Grandad 
Best Eternal Champion a kid ever had 
The Golden Barge or any of his stories 
Ironic fables, simple allegories 
The great rock-n-roll swindle... Well, why the fuck not? 
Hawkwind and Moorcock write books and rock 
Moor...cock..cock...cock! Moor...cock..cock...cock!