My hope is in vain I still feel this pain I ask you my dear Can't you feel this fear? I am so alone In our home Please don't leave me Together we are in harmony Stop to rot I am still in love with you Stop to rot I hope that you love me too Ich halte dich in meinen armen Und tranen sammeln sich in meinen augen Sie rollen uber meine wangen Und brennen wie funken auf deiner toten haut I hope you will wait for me in the eternity And we can be again in harmony Than i will see what you really feel for me No longer imprisoned, my soul will be free I can't stop your rot Sad, but i'm not cod The stench smells like a flower It fills my flesh with power I know that you are dead But i can hear you in my head Quote the book of the revelation While i'm doing this penetration Stop to rot I am still in love with you Stop to rot Or i will start rotting too!