I'm infested with the ligaments of devilry Mephistophelean In conspiracy with each and all the elements Jaws of the abyss devour my mind From root to branch, my spine entrenched Luciferian White is the noise that reverse my voice Winds of plague desaturate my sight An apparition from the underworld His infernal majesty bestowed Harnessed collision of the earth and sky Turn loose the undead horde Like an ever tumbling maelstrom From the void in the night, sky periphery Written in the oath of the apocalypse Transmitting trails of emptiness Dawn of the dead Dawn of the dead Dead Day of the deader Dead Dawn of the dead Dead Dead Dead Day of the deader Crumbling pillars of a divine creation Shattered in debris of ashes feathery With skills acquired from beyond this plane Black holes used as occult armory Gyroscopic is the shadow within the devil's rotary The crooked axis of mankind yields Earth dethroned by the usurper of climate Time and gravity I'm possessed In the delta of my poisoned veins Demonifuge, my immunity strains I'm obsessed Sinfully I lust for my death Insanity has leeched my last breath