As the blood flows from out of your wounds I gaze into your eyes and rape your soul While you lie bleeding As the warmth leaves from out of your beaten flesh I steal your last breath and laugh upon your defeat Noble warriors who die upon the battlefield live forever in the halls of Valhalla A toast and a feast let the gods smile upon you Winter bares its teeth and soon the summer swallows you whole While you lie bleeding As I raise a toast to your pathetic demise I smile to the stars and piss upon your corpse While you lie bleeding As you drift away from the unbearable pain the last thing that you see is the grin upon your face Noble warriors Who die upon the battlefield live forever in the halls of Valhalla A Toast and a feast let the gods smile upon you Winter bares its teeth soon the summer shall swallow your soul Silence becomes the son of a prince to be silent but brave in battle It befits a man to be marry and glad until the day of his death The coward believes he will live forever if he holds back in battle But in cold age he shall have no peace though spears have spared his limbs Fortunate is he Who is favoured in his lifetime with praise and words of wisdom evil council is often given by those of evil heart