Blood Storm

Wrath And Vengeance

Blood Storm

Amprodiar-Azoth (daath) 
Baratchial-Tiriel (black priest/magus) 
Gargophias-Atn (elder lilith) 
Dagdagiel-Daleth (shakti) 
Heretherith-Kerub (blood of isis) 
Urient-Oriens (haunt of the dead) 
Zamradiel-Chozzar (atlantean magi) 
Characith-Apophis (the solar force) 
Temphioth-Sekhet (mega therion) 
Vamatu-Tzaphiriron (the death posture) 

Kurgasiax-Gomorrah (the nightmare) 
Lafeursiax-A'Abirion (plutonian current) 
Malkunofat-Leviathan (the terror) 
Niantier-Set (necrophiliac sorcery) 
Saksaksalim-Nehashiron (regenerate the dead) 
A'Anc'Nin-Ur Heka (gate of ingress & egress of Aiwass) 
Parfaxitar-Lam (works of wrath and vengeance!) 
Tznflitu-Shugal (chains of fire) 
Qulielfi-Nashimiron (liars in wait) 
Raflifu-Sothis (god of the crossing) 
Shalieu-Choronon (the triple fire tongue) 
Thantifaxath-Temenos (the great one of the night of time) 
Bel Aossic-Armageddon!!!