It crawls into you like a dream without an end. The meaning changes as you realize the trend. The broken promises that changed the course of time, They may have drained your life they never altered mine. A foggy tunnel hides a light to show the way. The path could lead you there or kill you on the way. While trying not to miss the call, decide if it is worth it all. Believing what you know is true, or let the past take hold of you. Out the blue sympathetic eyes are blue, Speak no more copasetic nevermore, of the way to the catastrophic way, was before to the way it was before I can't choose we have done all we can do, Anymore towards the sympathetic chore Break on through find your way back to our room Create the door we've already gone so far. And now the final bullet rests beneath the lead. It finds the truth in all the things that you had said. All of the ignorance changes into a voice. That screams into your face you always have a choice. Cash in now relinquish everything you've lost before you fall regretting as you fall Release the stone the unneeded dead weight To us all that had no use at all One way leads on the path that leads the other stays to say goodnight or stay awake Decide which one now look how far you've come Creates your day some thank their stars while others pray