From the mountains we shall watch the sea And the sun comes up on our victory, We fought tooth and nail, now we shall prevail We make our stand against the reds, 'cause those bastards don't make no sense, They got no pride, just old text book lies And the end result is always the same When you look for someone else to blame The warrior won't let his people down Like the raven, he sees all around You'll never take what he's got - like it or not Honour is your best defense, he will stand above the rest A land free of shame, when he rules the game From the blood soaked ground on the battlefield We shall rise up and never yield There's no turning back, this is all out attack We fight the good fight, we never give in On the city streets we fight to win We've drawn the line, now is our time And the end result is always the same For a nation that hangs it's head in shame