Through Christ we are all saved By His blood our hearts are cleansed This is the key to salvation And to accept it is the first step to the kingdom of God But I soon learned that it takes so much more The repercussions of my past quickly came to haunt me Addictions and violence and lust I had committed overwhelmed me all at once, tempting and pulling me further and further away from you oh my God And i began to question of God really cared, and as I fell back into my sinful past I assumed that he was never there, But I soon learned that it takes so much more Satan will tempt those who strive towards God promising them things within world A new life in Christ begins a journey I had learned this was only the start Put to death impurity and evil desires And I soon learned that it takes so much more God had not Ran from me, instead I Ran from him But God never gave up, and I was renewed in knowledge through Christ I was a failure, but He helped me overcome For anyone born from God can overcome this world