Nobody wanted to listen when we said this was for real, Sold our souls to horror and then sealed the deal You laughed in our faces and really pissed us off, now Blood Freak is still killing while you die weak and soft We melt horror DVD's into liquid, and shoot it into our veins, We're socially retarded and completely insane! In the Toxic Tomb, we all rot away Watching horror 24 hours a day Our drive-in metal is what it's all about, We go for the kill - We Go For The Grossout! It breaks my heart to see where the horror genre is heading, I'm taking out my anger at the multiplex with some violent beheading, I crash the Butchermobile into the brick wall, Dynamite strapped to my body, I'm here to kill and have a ball These losers are watching some new CGI gore-fest, I blow up the projection screen to put an end to this bore-fest All these geeks got suckered by Fangoria's latest hype job, I'm here to destroy and cut them all into shishkabob Don't try to tell me that this new crap is any good, If you do I'll break all your bones and use them for firewood Another fucking remake and a shitty sequel to boot Hollywood will be taught a lesson, this multiplex massacre - a tribute! Everyone gather around the table for a grand feast, The TURKEY is hungry and it's time for roast human-beast with Cannibal Holocaust and Texas Chainsaw on in the background, tonight we're gonna party and celebrate being gorehounds! Dial the number and order blood-sauce pizza with meat-eyeballs, take a sip from a 30 Ft.Aterial Spray that will splatter all the walls Don't forget The Slaughter Special with salted and fried human skin, then sit your asses down and let our feeding rituals begin! Worm Face is starving - throw him a bone! Satan wants acid, so leave him alone the Lungslasher wants Afterbirth-day Cake, you'd better get it for your own sake Doctor Bitch got blood splashed on her tits, now you've got her mad - she'll cut you to bits! Turkey Monster likes what he sees, he's master of this kingdom of horror-hungry zombies!