Well prepared and well done It's you and the eye forever more Of laughter and of its desire Is just another plea The porcelain stature is monolith in state And its ability to stay has been given and taken away The worse is now to come just a kiss A kiss to soothe the callus in the womb Walk the dog and feed the cats And defenestrate the trash Be the host Break a leg and make us proud for vicarious living Be the host It's the ominous and the disquiet A little format for a prose That will nibble the niggle from the eye Just to be the host Banna ba modimo ba ba tsamayang ba sa itshware Banna ba modimo ba ba tsamayang ba sa itshware Banna ba modimo ba ba tsamayang ba sa itshware Banna ba modimo ba ba tsamayang ba sa itshware We're here to dance at once Come one and come all just to see How to stand with the tail between the legs Its the generic defects continued Through the mighty and the descendants To linger through the artery and the sleeves We're here to dance at once