Say that we'll be together, then stay apart Stand on these broken pieces, where shall I start? Giving it to me, I guess you blew me over Where did the face I saw go, tensions have been sought through What was seen here, how can it be clear? My thoughts are racing and I can't see what I should do Fear from what seemed to go wrong, not much is said Time spent on problems wasted over now dead Why think we'd, always be together Pondering of thoughts that were from within I don't know, please do show What is to be done with the state that I'm in Right now, I think on my own today Right now, not hearing the words I should say Right now, here's how I want to stay I'm free from what you're telling me right now. How come this had to happen, loyal so long. Blame put upon my shoulders, feeling so wrong All of these actions, the mind did see permissive To lose my comfort, just wanting to flee Sudden reactions, had not been too explicit Rising the question of how we can be