Blinded In Bliss

Factors Affect

Blinded In Bliss

I sit and watch as the course of life evolves
A product of our thoughts
For the outcome of our lives
Is changing all the time

I'm reaching out for you
How is it that you fail to see?
The things i did affected you
Like the things you did affected me

But i can't explain it to you
Your mind is set to what you've been told
You think its all just set in stone
That your path is laid before you're born

And you walk the earth convinced
All the things that are happening to you
Are a part of a predetermined story
Written to see you through

Your fate, is born
Your hate, will scorn
The price, you'll pay
For the sacrifices you've made

But then there will come a time
In your life
You will find
When you finally realize the universe is not to blame
For the things you claim
That brought you here
This is what you chose and soon you'll see
Every choise we make affects the aftermath
Of what will come to be

Time to come with me
Let's take a stroll
I'll show you your views of the world
Misguided interpretations

The morals you value
Your view of the world
Your deepest desires
The guilt that you hold
The people you love
And that people you hate
You're entangled in all of the things you forsake

The morals you value
Your view of the world
Your deepest desires
The guilt that you hold
The people you love
And that people you hate
You're entangled in all of the things
You partake in each day

Your fate, is born
Your hate, will scorn
The price, you'll pay
For the sacrifices you've made

But then there will come a time
In your life
You will find
When you finally realize the universe is not to blame
For the things you claim
That brought you here
This is what you chose and soon you'll see
Every choise we make affects the aftermath
Of what will come to be

But then there will come a time
In your life
You will find
When you finally realize the universe is not to blame
For the things you claim
That brought you here
This is what you chose and soon you'll see
Every choise we make affects the aftermath
Of what will come to be

And you try to portray
While each factor detemines your days
As they stare you in the face
Moving faster with each breath you take
Suddenly you'll see
The result of each day you must embrace as one

Your perception of all you've perceived
Will leave you clueless
To the things you thought you believed
And if you blindly tread the path that you tend
You will reach your inevitable ugly end