My soul is a wicked vulture Who whishes to steal the celestial treasure To revel in bliss and rapture I will devour the blood-red skies And reach the point where the sun never dies Even if it may scorch both of my eager eyes The torrid star of Knowledge Burns my gilded wings to ashes I fall in the maze of my mind My corpse is lying in the crass And there are many rows of rapacious crows Craving for carrions of my carcass but as a newborn phenix I'll rise again from the styx of my ignorance As eternity unfurls before me I make my way through space When I reach my spiritual palace I cannot, I can't see... My lightened gem I have not found And I'm ungently hitting the dirty ground Hence my peers gathering around In the air you will see my silhouette Falling in a deadened sunset As bitter as tears of Juliet In the bleeding heart of a Poet