Conquerors burn the chronicles, archives are erased in auto-da-fe The invaded ones lose their past and identity As the scribbles embellish the legend of the strong Slaves are doomed to kneel and stay mute The dead don't talk. Elites recreate reality for their own profit In the dark, cold blooded liars tangle the tracks Disfigure effigies and pull the strings Make the puppets dance a grotesque waltz Some truths still sleep in the shadow In the gulf of the unknown where no probe can go We must scratch the varnish to touch the rotten wood And break the cast to uncover the infected wounds Those who don't remember the past are condemned to repeat it Reality is writing in blood and tears Learn to perceive what's beyond the evidence Tear the blindfold, lift the veil Chase out the spies that lurk behind the wall of Shame We are told what to thing and who we must hate Force fed with sentences with no sense Like "the land of freedom versus the evil axis!" Vain rhetoric, shallow speeches… We're sick of this shit But for sure, we'll hear it again As long as the media's diarrheas will be poured in our brains The question in not "are you free to speak?" But "can you afford to be listened to?" The Star - Spangled Banner can be a gag, such a useful tool… It's time to make a stand We must now understand That Machiavellian forces rule the world It's time to break the door open Nor more eavesdropping The game is over, we'll wreck the plan.