Point blank indoctrination, Brainwashed youth, brought down, twisted, crushed and recast Formatted robots, ready to be programmed Inhumane principles to spawn the ideal soldier: Psychological shutdown! Disintegrate the individuality, annihilate identity Until all mental forces collapse, Then redesign the self to server abstract authorities Blind killing machines, recruited at eighteen Almost children, perfect preys to defile Slaves, pawns, cannon fodder! A neurotic instructor pours cement in your skull: "Listen to me, silly sissies, faggots with no balls, You're worst than nothing to me, worthless scumbags with no backbones. If you wanna be somebody here, Don't think twice, don't think at tall, just do what you're told, and it's gonna be the best of both worlds. You need some strict discipline!" [Chorus:] Glory to the star spangled-banner! Now let us pray… A good American is a man who was born with a finger on the trigger to erase the problem cases and promote the noble causes. A real American is a man who's willing to die for his beloved country "Crawl in the mud or on your friend's corpse. It doesn't matter how many people are killed, Never mind how much blood is spilled, Victory is ours, we never surrender Enemies lurk in every corner, the threat is permanent, We're rightfully suspect and purge. Never hesitate to bomb the fuckers!" They don't even know they serve higher interest! Corporations behold the show and laugh in the shadows, orchestrating wars from afar, financing fear and worldwide paranoia, protecting their privileges as armies crumble on the battlefield. With an elastic morality, they speculate on human pain, led by their lust for power. See nothing, say nothing, hear nothing: credo of the corruptors! [chorus] From the ashes of Britannia rose a country struck by a collective Viet Namnesia Uncle Sam is out of control, out of reach Happy bloodbath, Mr. President! Democracy is now a vain word, Peace goes down the drain.