Bleib Modern

Blackened Soul

Bleib Modern

Old shattered vibes they see me falling apart
The straw that breaks the camels black is you
Forever now I'll kepp on crawling
And I am turning like a screw

They're calling voices in my mind
I‘m sure that they are blind
To fall into the darkest hole
Can never change my blackened soul
I fell like I have never lived
To fell this way must be a gift
I fall into the darkest hole
I keep on falling and fall

Old shattered vibes they keep on crawling
The straw that breaks the camels back is you
Together now we'll keep on falling
Cause when it pours it can't be true

They're calling voices in my mind
I‘m sure that they are blind
To fall into the darkest hole
Can never chance my blackened soul
I fell like I have never lived
To fell this way must be a gift
I fall into the darkest hole
Cause they prefer to have control

They're calling voices in my mind
I‘m sure that they are blind
To fall into the blackest hole
Does not mean anything at all
I fell like I have never lived
To fell this way just be a gift
I fall into the blackest hole
I‘ll keep on crawling and I fall