See the mountains, over the plains, and their open arms Eat my forests, drink my rivers, and you'll be delighted Feel the pain, feel the rain, falling on your eyes. Take my hand, I will show you my wide empire Feel the strength, see the beauty this you cannot deny Around my castle there's no people to bring me cries Alone in this place, but this is my fate, I am resigned. Welcome to my world. To all my fantasies, To my hidden treasures, To the infinity Of my empire Please go before it's too late, now you are advised Against this sadness, against this roughness, that you will find Don't think twice, don't look back, maybe remember But sorry I can't stop this wrecking machine that rules my empire Cause I'll grab your soul, And you'll belong to me, And I'll darken your heart (you'll surrender), And you'll burn with me In my empire