Album: Static Tabbed by: Matt (MC) my e-mail is * I was looking at other tabs on this song they just didn't seem right. I hope this is what you want. I think It is pretty acurate. "h" means "hameron" -Verse1- G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|-2h4-4-4-4-4----|x4 for the intro. then x4 again and then play this, when he sais "everyday". G|----------------| D|----------------| A|--------4~------| E|--2~------------|Then back to Verse1 and play that x6 and then this again and then, surprisingly he only plays 2 notes on the prechorus and they are as show: -Prechorus- G|---------------------------------| D|---------------------------------| A|-------------------------4~------| E|-2-4-2-4-2-4-2-4---2~------------|x2 Then go right to the chorus whitch is: -Chorus- G|---------------------------| G|---------------| D|---------------------------| D|---------------| A|---------------------------| A|---------------| E|-2-2--4-4--0-0-00-00-00----|x3 then E|-2-2--4-4--0-0~| "/" means "Slide" -Verse2- (Bass Solo) G|----------------| D|----------------| A|----------------| E|--2/4--4-4-4-4--|(I'm pretty sure it's a slide)x4 then this: G|----------------| D|----------------| A|-------4~-------| E|-2~-------------|then back to Verse2, and do Verse2 x6 and then do this again and then. And then prechorus: -Prechorus- G|-----------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------| A|-------------------------4~--------| E|-2-4-2-4-2-4-2-4---2~--------------|x2 -Chorus- G|--------------------------| D|--------------------------| A|--------------------------| E|-2-2--4-4--0-0-00-00-00---|x7. Then there is the funky part with the guitar and the the bass comes in at 2:10 this will be the Interlude. "~" means "let ring" -Interlude- G|-----------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------| A|-10/12---10~/14--14-14----10/12---10~/14-| E|-----------------------------------------| Then go right to the Chorus. -Chorus- G|--------------------------| G|---------------| D|--------------------------| D|---------------| A|--------------------------| A|---------------| E|-2-2--4-4--0-0-00-00-00---|x10 I think and then E|-2-2--4-4--0-0~| There ya go everyone. Once again I am not sure if this is totaly correct so if you have any comments then E-mail me at *. Thank you so much "Ultimate-Guitar"!! peace