Blasting Hatred

Tsantsa I '' Black Art Of Reducing Heads ''

Blasting Hatred

I curse you be contained
Poor muisak your sentence will be perpetual
You`ll regret the day that you challenged me
You will be true sample of my supremacy

I liberate my hunting spirit
Because hating gives sense to my life
It`s my nature to show my trophies
And those from my enemies are the precious ones

Blood is on my hands consequence of the fight
Beheadied after their death
Taking it towar the tsan tsa

The dark tsan tsa
The black art of reducing heads
Damned muisak soul wthout rest life
Their screams won`t be hear

The dark tsan tsa
The black art of reducing heads
Damned muisak

Extracting his skull their decapiteated body
Is just the beginning of the ritual
I sew the eyelids to deny muisak spirit`s visions
He falls in the this is the reason
For painting the skin in black
Their teeth and eyes are extracted
And thrown to anaconda`s river

The mouth and other cavities
Are sealed too no escape
Your head will be reduced
At the size of my unmerciful fist

Your head is hanging around my strong neck
Now you are part of my war collection

Tsan tsa the black art of reducing heads
My damnation is to be in there